GF-ELTI Heat Treatment Division received Nadcap® Accreditation

On the 23rd of July 2020 GF-ELTI has received the Nadcap® Accreditation (National Aerospace & Defense Contractors Accreditation Program) after having successfully passed the Audit as Heat Treatment Center for Aerospace Sector.
Nadcap® Certification pairs up with ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) and Certification UNI EN 9100:2018 (Quality Management System required by Authorities and Manufacturer of Aerospace and Defence Sector) obtained in 2019.
Nadcap® Accreditation allows the credited Companies to be able to work with Prime Customers of the Aerospace Business worldwide and it represents a relevant competitive advantage as it grants the possibility to join a selected Vendor List only accessible by companies that have been carefully analysed and selected.
The certification period, lasted for about one year, has determined modification to the Heat Treatment Furnaces installed in GF-ELTI and has in the meantime allowed the implementation of new corporate procedures to match and comply with the requirements of the Certifying Committee.
GF-ELTI, thanks to the Nadcap® accreditation, confirms its continued commitment to the qualification of its Heat Treatment Service, characterized by relevant standards in terms of Quality and Efficiency.