680 kilos of waste collected on “Clean Green Day”

The commitment of GF-ELTI for environment protection continues with the “Clean Green Day”, organized on April 1st by the Municipality of Sovere, with the aim of cleaning the side of the streets of the Municipality.
Thanks to the participation of more than 150 volunteers, including GF-ELTI staff, local Associations, the Sovere Primary School and private citizens, about 33 kilometres of roads were cleared of 680 kilos of waste.
«As important as every year – declares Sovere Municipality's Councillor for Ecology, Michele Lotta, in an interview with the newspaper MyValley – the presence of GF-ELTI from Sovere with its staff, who cleaned up the industrial area, which helps with waste sorting and promotes environmental sustainability. Substantial also the participation of the municipal administrators: mayor, councillors and aldermen. Always present was the municipal maintenance team that collected the bags filled by the various Associations distributed throughout the Municipality».
For 14 years, GF-ELTI has embraced the environmental cause by organising waste collection days in the areas surrounding the company. Today, this tradition continues thanks to the collaboration with the municipality of Sovere and the many associations in the area that share the same goal.
The amount of waste recovered in 2023 was less than in 2022, when collection amounted to 880 kilos. A positive result that gives hope for a more civilised behaviour of the population.
Initiatives such as the "Clean Green Day" represent for GF-ELTI a dutiful act of social and civil responsibility, made in the hope that its own efforts together with the growing participation of the Sovere community can discourage uncivil and no longer tolerable behaviour that fuels the degradation of our territory.